
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

One of my favorite school day memories in good old Ktown at Visitation Grade School was searching all the closets at home for just the right shoe box that I could take to art class the week before Valentine's Day. Why? To decorate of course! With construction paper, sequins, paint, doilies, markers, crayons, even little heart candies, we patiently drew, cut and glued; turning our Buster Brown boxes into little treasure chests that had a slit cut in the top.

 Even more fun was sitting around the kitchen table with my siblings or giggling girlfriends, writing our cards, licking the little envelopes and hoping that our sealed messages to friends, schoolmates, and secret "loves" were perfect.

Today I still love the tradition of Valentine's Day - not for the commercial hype, but because I like to pause during my otherwise somewhat crazy busy life and tell those around me that I love,  treasure, and appreciate them.

So here for you my family and friends, distant, and close, are my (still hand-drawn, cut and glued) Valentine's Day greetings and a request that you share the love.  Sorry the box is missing!

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